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Fennel seed is commonly used in cooking and as an alternative medicine remedy. It has a distinct flavor and, nutritionally, is a good source of potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamins B and C. Therapeutically, one of its most common applications is to relieve gastrointestinal distress. Fennel seed has powerful antioxidant properties and fights free radicals and irritation. [1] Fennel also has several noted traits that have lead to its distinction as a beneficial addition to weight loss efforts. (more…)

If you're trying to lose weight (and even if you're not), it's imperative your diet is in check. That means lots of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are a must and making smoothies can be a great way to ingest them. (more…)

Water Does a Body Good Did you know over half of your body weight is made up of water? Water plays an enormous role in the human body function. Every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body occurs with the help of water. Water transports hormones, nutrients, oxygen and antibodies. It regulates body temperature, helps maintain muscle tone, and protects tissues, organs and joints from shock and damage. Water supports optimum gastrointestinal system function. Drinking adequate amounts of water facilitates the removal of toxins and waste from your body and […]

What Is Damiana? Damiana, or Turnera diffusa, is a flowering shrub found throughout Mexico, the West Indies, and parts of Central and South America. The leaves have historically been used as traditional herbal therapies for tonic and cleansing purposes. Indigenous people in Central and South America have used the leaves to make a tea, which is believed to have relaxing and aphrodisiac effects. (more…)

Women's Health