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Antioxidants have an enormously positive impact on our health but rarely does anyone specifically cite the significance of selenium, a powerful nutrient that double up as an antioxidant. Its positive impact on the immune system, brain health, and reproductive system is something that doesn't get the attention it deserves. Neither do the negative health impacts of selenium deficiency. Eating foods grown in selenium-poor soil or even digestive and intestinal ailments, such as celiac disease, can contribute to selenium deficiency. Let's take a look at the top 5 indications you may […]

Cobalamin is another name for vitamin B12, an essential nutrient necessary for proper metabolism and energy production. Hydroxocobalamin is a chemical compound with a similar structure to vitamin B12. Even though the human body doesn't produce hydroxocobalamin, bacteria in the digestive tract can convert it into a usable form. Commercial and pharmaceutical versions of hydroxocobalamin also use bacteria to create large volumes of the compound for therapeutic purposes. (more…)

A century ago, the use of electricity was minimal and exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) was limited. Most homes only generated electrical and magnetic fields in the range of 50-60 Hz. Today, humans and animals are practically bathing in EMF pollution. Appliances, WiFi, personal electronics, smart meters, and especially cell phones (which produce EMF frequencies in the GHz) have caused EMF exposure to go through the roof – literally. (more…)

In our society, technology permeates the workplace. School campuses, homes, and everywhere, really, more and more people are bombarded with constant EMF (electromagnetic field) and RF (radio frequency) overexposure. Ever notice how many WiFi network signals your laptop picks up? Simply seeing these other networks lets you know that you're being exposed to a barrage of EMF frequencies. Add in the constant RF radiation from cell phone towers and smart meters and you can easily see how difficult it is to distance yourself from the onslaught of electrical radiation. (more…)

Smart meters have become increasingly prevalent in homes across the world. Their advertised intent is to provide an accurate and concise measurement of home energy usage. However, concerns plague the minds of researchers and everyday individuals over the safety and health effects of these measurement systems. Are smart meters safe? According to the FCC, the World Health Organization, and the FDA, the broadcasting frequencies emitted by smart meters are safe and do not pose a significant concern to human health. Of course, the WHO also notes that the same radio […]

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