Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Known as the "sunshine vitamin," vitamin D is among the few rockstar nutrients that have garnered national attention and research funding within the last 10 years. [1] Studies continue to show its effectiveness for promoting normal blood sugar, immune health, and positive mood. [2] [3] [4] Sales of vitamin D supplements have skyrocketed thanks to the surge of coverage in the media concerning this “miracle” nutrient. Despite this, vitamin D remains elusive to many. Inadequate intake of vitamin D has become a problematic issue for people all over the world […]

When approached correctly, a vegan and vegetarian diet is a fantastic way to give your body a pure stream of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, to get the most out of your effort, nutritional knowledge, practice, and discipline are paramount to getting the nutrients you require – especially amino acids and vitamin B12. A journey into the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle without that knowledge may result in your experiencing one or more of the following 10 concerns. (more…)

Sexual dysfunction is a concern that gets an enormous amount of attention. If you've been in front of a television for more than seven seconds, you've undoubtedly seen the advertisements from the many pharmaceutical companies who are constantly pushing their drugs on the impotent public. Of course, these pills often come with side effects potentially worse than the original issue (look up "priapism"). Can anything be done to stimulate libido naturally? Yes! Sexual activity is physical activity, and the best way to get physical is to be physical and exercise! […]

Fluoride, a questionable chemical added to drinking water and toothpaste for the oft-repeated goal of preventing tooth decay, may be responsible for certain childhood mental disorders, according to research from the Harvard School of Public Health. The researchers looked at various chemicals that children are regularly exposed to and found that several, including fluoride, are directly related to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other mental issues.[1] (more…)

Nature possesses an intelligence that provides for the therapeutic needs of its inhabitants. A fantastic example of this relationship is man's use of therapeutic herbs. Many herbs are gaining prominence in today’s natural health movement. And, for many, historical use has aligned with modern science and the practical applications for human health are no longer in question. (more…)

Women's Health