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Candida is a type of fungus (or, more specifically – yeast) that can cause fungal infections like candidiasis, candidemia, and oral thrush.[1] Dozens of species of candida are known to affect humans and Candida albicans is the most common.[2, 3] When the immune system functions normally, Candida is kept in check and exists harmlessly in the skin or mucous membranes like those of the gut and vaginal area. It’s even among the organisms that newborns acquire during natural birth, nursing, or from food.[4] However, a compromised immune system, and other […]

Magnetic resonance imaging is a common preventative and diagnostic method used in medicine, and at times this technology can be invaluable. Of course there are some health questions associated with the practice, in particular – what's the effect of the powerful magnetic fields? But, now, not only are the magnetic frequencies something to consider, new concerns over the drugs used to produce clearer images have surfaced as research has shown them to leave toxic residue in the brain. These findings have shown the importance of more stringent health monitoring prior […]

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A new act is being heard in the House Subcommittee on Health, one that is attempting to keep Americans from knowing what’s in their food. Termed “Deny Americans the Rights to Know,” or DARK, this act will attempt to keep everyone, well, in the dark regarding GMOs, preventing them from being labeled while limiting the FDA’s ability to create a national labeling requirement. (more…)

Nothing beats the feeling of pure, warm sunlight on your skin, especially after a cold and dreary winter. We often take for granted the life-giving power of the sun and completely ignore its many health benefits. On one hand, sun helps us to produce vitamin D, a hormone necessary for bone health and optimal immune function; on the other, too much sunlight can also cause deleterious effects on skin elasticity and function, aggressively facilitating the early signs of aging. Having these extreme oppositions means we need to find a balance […]

The Paleo diet, a lifestyle approach deriving its beliefs from ancient dietary practices mixed with modern scientific ideas, has seen a surge of interest over the past few years. Just as there are many variations of a standard vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, there is also considerable versatility among paleo enthusiasts. One of the main constructs that has led to some of the health successes stemming from the paleo diet is the exclusion of grains and refined sugars. Just doing this could be one of the greatest things you can do […]

Women's Health