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A bottle of Berberine


What if the secret to clear, healthy, radiant skin isn’t found in a cream or serum, but rather in the food you eat? In fact, that is true! Whole foods contain nutrients that can get you glowing — naturally. Fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins A, C, and E, antioxidant-rich dark chocolate, as well as nuts and seeds that contain omega-3 fatty acids… these are some of the best foods for healthy skin. Whether you’re dealing with adult acne, dry skin, aging, or anything in between, tweaking your […]

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Tiny organs inside your cells — mitochondria — work hard every day, turning the food you consume into energy. But with age, the number of mitochondria naturally declines.[1] A molecule found in your body called pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ for short, has many benefits for your health, most notably boosting the production of mitochondria. Referred to as an all-natural "fountain of youth," PQQ's ability to power up your mitochondria does a lot for your health and longevity. When you have more mitochondria, it impacts your energy level, metabolism, and resilience […]

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Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize and reduce free radical damage. To deeply comprehend the power of antioxidants, you must first understand what free radicals are and how they react in the body. Free radicals are harmful compounds that have an unpaired electron, an aspect of their structure that makes them highly unstable. Their instability causes them to wreak havoc on cells, fatty acids, and other structures in your body. Free radicals also act as catalysts for diseases, many diseases. (more…)

Polyphenol is a term for the several thousand plant-based molecules that have antioxidant properties. The health benefits of antioxidants are well known! Besides their antioxidant nature, polyphenols also help regulating enzyme function and stimulate cell receptors.[1] Polyphenols are divided into four primary groups: phenolic acids, lignans, stilbenes, and flavonoids.[2] Plants with polyphenol activity have played a major role in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. With an anti-inflammatory action, support for the liver, and promoting normal circulatory health, their benefits are plentiful. (more…)

If you're a heavy coffee drinker, consider trading it for tea instead. Tea can provide a huge array of health benefits and, if it's the caffeine you must have, may be a more "mild" substitute. (more…)