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Genetically-modified food is one of the most controversial subjects today. Not only are regulations loose and manufacturers getting away with not labeling them, they’re being approved at an alarmingly swift rate without the appropriate long-term health assessment. The Food and Drug Administration recently approved of two GMO foods, potatoes and apples, as safe and equally nutritious as conventional varieties, and they’re pushing to get these items to a grocery store near you. (more…)

Many of us would agree there’s nothing worse than difficulty breathing, and while there are many conditions out there, I want to talk to you today about asthma. A terrible respiratory condition, it can greatly affect one’s quality of life. If you’re living with asthma, it’s likely you already know your triggers, but there might be some things you weren’t aware of. Perhaps you’ve been newly diagnosed and wish to keep attacks at a minimum. That said, here are 6 avoidable risk factors I want to share with you. (more…)

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This post might not be for the squeamish, but give it a chance! From a scientific standpoint, human feces can be very interesting; if nothing else, all the buzz around using methane gas (harvested from manure) as an energy source is huge. So hold on for this one: here’s 5 crazy facts about poop that may surprise you. (more…)

The Organic Consumers Association is working hard to support LD 991, a bill that will require GM foods to sport a label on its packaging. This push is just one in a long line of many by people like you who support transparency in our food system. If we can get Maine, among other states, to start labeling GMO foods, we can slowly get the country to support our efforts. (more…)

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Some of the most common substances found in everyday life are harming our cognitive function right now. Along with pesticides, you have substances like BPA, phthalates, mercury, lead, benzene, and flame retardants that are affecting you, even if you don’t realize it. Hidden in your home and office, you are exposed to toxic chemicals on a daily basis, and your brain is taking the brunt of it. (more…)

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A bottle of Kava Calm