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Microwaving is a simple, convenient cooking option for people on the go. The microwave oven has been a mainstay in the US for 30+ years, virtually transforming society and how we view food. But despite its wonders, the question that’s been avoided remains: are microwaves the healthiest cooking option? The answer is, of course, no, as there are much better options available that will ensure nutrients will remain in your food. (more…)

Every time toxic cleaners are used, there's a heavy impact on our environment. It does not matter whether the cleaners are poured, sprayed, washed, rinsed, or dumped; the harmful effects are the same. When we use these things we risk adding toxins to the air and to the water, both of which come back to us and are shared with the public. If you are not sure whether your cleaning products are harmful to you and the environment, take a look at the product labels to see the various types […]

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The fluoridation of our public water supply is continuing to elude many unsuspecting citizens, most of whom are being drugged with the neurotoxin without their knowledge. While the intentions of fluoridation may be good, its outdated use from misguided officials is consistently poisoning our bodies and our planet. In Austin, Texas, efforts are underway by me and other health professionals and medical doctors to urge the City Council to stop fluoridation of water. (more…)

Kamala (also known as Kamcela, Spoonwood, or Mallotus philippinensis) is a well-known plant coming from the humid tropical forests of Australia, the Philippines, India, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Africa, Southern Arabia, and southern China. First mentioned in the ancient Indian text, The Kurma Purana, kamala's health-supportive properties have been highly revered the world over for thousands of years. (more…)

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Although they are extremely toxic, organophosphate pesticides remain some of the most commonly used insecticides today. A variety of fruits and vegetables are regularly treated with organophosphates, including green beans, apples, grapes, and peaches. (more…)

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A bottle of Kava Calm