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Male fern root, also known as Dryopteris filix-mas, Bear's paw, Knotty Brake, and Sweet Brake, has been used for centuries as a defense against harmful organisms. [1] Beyond that, the male fern root also offers other health benefits for humans such as digestive support and detoxification. (more…)

Living in the 21st century, we know pollution is a big concern. Many of us pride ourselves in making responsible choices, but we also know the world’s pollution is bigger than just the two of us. That’s why I want to talk about something we don’t really think about: how pollution and toxins are a threat to our troops. (more…)

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Since the mid-80s, the rate of colon cancer has been slowly declining at the rate of about 1 percent per year, but it seems we always have bad news mixed in somewhere. Traditionally thought of as a disease affecting the over 50s, one study paints a gloomy picture. Not only is there a sharply increasing rate in patients under 50, but also advanced stages of the cancer are being developed. [1] (more…)

Dry skin brushing is a beauty and health practice that is quickly growing in popularity. The Internet abounds with blogs, articles, and videos dedicated to this topic, and each point of reference regards it as a simple way to support good health. While dry skin brushing won’t be the magic bullet for any ailment or health worry, it can be a great way to support skin health, circulation, and relaxation. (more…)

Fluoride is commonly added to the water supply, and many have been brainwashed into believing fluoride is necessary for dental health and bone maintenance. However, the exact opposite is true. While evidence exists to show that fluoride may provide some benefit as a topical adjunct, it is by no means meant to be consumed and is definitely not without risks. [1] (more…)

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