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Coffee’s received a lot of good publicity in recent years for the way it appears to protect the brain from degenerative diseases. We know that coffee is full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant-compounds, fats, and carbs. In small amounts, coffee can actually be beneficial for most healthy individuals. The main downside to coffee is that it’s highly acidic, and this acidity can have possible repercussions on the gut. (more…)

Anyone who has breathing difficulties knows just how much it can seriously affect quality of life. Unfortunately, as pollution levels rise, so, too, does the rate of asthma. Recent data from the Center for Disease Control reveals hard truths. In the U.S., for example, 1 in 12 adults have asthma and 9 die from it every day. [1] Of course, pollution’s not the only culprit. Asthma has many causes, after all, and while there may not be a cure, the disease is certainly manageable. (more…)

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Olive oil has received well-deserved attention over the last 10 to 15 years. This is the main ingredient that plays an important role in the Mediterranean diet. For years, studies have shown people who consume this type of diet live longer and enjoy a better quality of life. Olive oil is a lot more than just a health food. In fact, it can be used for soothing skin, managing hair, and as a natural sunscreen. (more…)

Soy milk, tofu, and meat substitutes are all the rage in the vegan and vegetarian community. These products provide all essential amino acids, making soy one of the few complete plant proteins on the planet. Despite soy’s high nutrient content, there are some dangers to soy that typically go unnoticed. Not only does soy contain nutritive inhibitors that prevent nutrient absorption, some research suggests that the plant may hinder thyroid health, especially in the presence of iodine deficiency. [1] (more…)

Telomeres are the caps at the end of human DNA strands known as chromosomes that protect the DNA code of the genome. As humans age, telomeres begin to decrease in size, causing cellular aging. After telomeres reach a certain length, the cell is no longer able to divide and will die. This process has been associated with disease, aging, and death. Antioxidants are often credited as providing nutritional support that can help protect normal telomere size and function. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm