Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Many people are avoiding wheat these days in attempt to rid their lives of gluten. While gluten can be difficult to digest and lead to inflammation and other intestinal concerns, it's not the only factor at play with regard to wheat's potential toxicity. The fact is that wheat is often consumed in a very refined form as an ingredient in processed foods that contain a number of other toxic ingredients. (more…)

When you hear the word 'lithium', what do you think of? Maybe it reminds you of a Nirvana song. Or perhaps you know lithium as one of three elements that comprised the universe when it first formed billions of years ago. Lithium, a trace mineral your body requires, is all these things and so much more. Fun fact: the original recipe for the citrus soft drink 7-Up included lithium. When it first came out, the company called it “Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" (a mouthful!) and it went on sale two […]

With the proliferation of cell phones, wireless Internet, and personal electronic devices, the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation are a huge concern. As the discussion surrounding the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has become heated, neuroscientist Dr. Olle Johansson has stepped forward to present evidence from his own research and the research of his peers into the mental and physical effects of EMFs. (more…)

Smart tablets, phones, and personal computers are all the rage in today’s technology-driven society, and it doesn’t look like the trend will ever cease. These devices have made life easier than ever before by acting as a singular storage unit for contacts, documents, money, and social networks. Despite their convenience, many companies are still loading their products with hazardous chemicals that are contributing to our environmental crisis. A new report is showing that many tablets and phones are using Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in their manufacture, […]

Every man needs to take an active approach to managing his own health for the better. Good habits, like regular exercise, are vital, and avoiding bad habits (or at least minimizing them) is also imperative. One of the most powerful influences on a man’s health is his diet, and as an extension of that, there are a number of herbs that can help support concerns specific to men, namely vitality, prostate health, and sex drive. Here are seven of those herbs and the positive results they can encourage. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm