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Vitamin B12 is to the human body what gasoline is to a car; without it, you're not getting anywhere. A diet that includes meat, fish, and dairy products can provide natural sources of B12; however, these foods typically carry a heavy toxic load. Vegetarians and vegans can suffer from B12 deficiency, so can meat eaters, making B12 deficiency a common concern many people solve with supplementation or a B12 injection. What is a Vitamin B12 Shot? The shot delivers a high dose of therapeutic B12, usually in the form of […]

Silver is an old tool for promoting good health and, there is a large market for silver in the natural health industry. A variety of types of silver water exists and it’s almost impossible to determine the quality of the product simply by its name. Ionic silver, hydrosol silver, and colloidal silver are all different types of silver available... but what do they mean? Let's explore the differences between the three most popular types of silver and discuss which is best. 3 Types of Colloidal Silver 1. Atomic Silver (Colloidal) […]

Methylcobalamin circulates through the bloodstream and is one of two naturally-occurring coenzyme forms of vitamin B12 that the body utilizes. Adenosylcobalamin is the other form sometimes used in the dietary supplement industry. The body needs B12 to convert homocysteine to methionine, protect DNA and RNA, support energy, protect nerve and brain cells, stimulate serotonin production, contribute to red blood cell formation, support immune function, and maintain a positive mood. (more…)

Adenosylcobalamin is a vitamin on a mission. Without this active form of B12, the human body would cease to produce energy at the cellular level. This would terminate all cellular processes and result in eventual systemic failure and, left untreated, death. Vitamin B12, in all its forms, is that important. What some people don’t realize is that B12 is unique in that it’s not a plant-based vitamin. Only bacteria create it, making humans completely dependent on these microscopic organisms for survival. Yes, animal foods do contain B12; but, all of […]

It seems that every day we’re hearing about a new GMO food product getting ready to enter the market. A new brand of genetically-modified potato called Innate is one of those products, produced by one of the largest suppliers of potatoes for McDonald’s restaurants. These potatoes are used for french fries. Simplot, the company producing the new GM potato, is attempting to convince consumers that the product is not only safe, but provides important benefits. One of these benefits include the potato being bruise resistant, which really isn’t a benefit […]

A bottle of Kava Calm