Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

If you're like most people, you have probably experienced uncomfortable bloating and constipation and found out for yourself just how debilitating they can be. Constipation is merely a symptom with an underlying issue. By approaching the root cause, it is possible to relieve constipation before it starts by eating the right foods. When constipation happens, you can save time and money by utilizing natural remedies, many of which you probably have around the house. Natural Remedies for Constipation Before you run to the pharmacy, give these 10 natural remedies for […]

Thanks to California law TB 117 from 1975, your comfy recliner better resembles a chemical waste facility than it does a relaxing chair. What do I mean? Well, TB 117 requires the foam in sofas, love seats, recliners, car seats, electronics, and insulation be treated with ultra toxic flame retardants. Although they may prevent your wares from immediately going up in a blaze, they are not without serious consequence to your health. (more…)

Maybe you haven’t felt the urge in a while. Perhaps it just hasn’t felt as good as it used to. It could be stress, or it could be something more. When it comes to boosting your sex drive, the topic may seem a bit taboo to discuss. Regardless, a healthy sex life is important for reducing stress, building a healthy relationship with your partner, and improving overall wellbeing. Diet and exercise offer the best solutions for stimulating sexual desire; yet, a number of herbal tools may also provide support. When […]

Pine bark extract is usually from the French maritime pine (Pinus pisaster) that also grows in countries along the western Mediterranean. Pine bark contains a number of beneficial compounds extracted from the bark in a way that doesn’t destroy or damage the tree. (more…)

High-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS for short, is a sweetener commonly used in processed foods. It’s included in many foods that one would least suspect, like bread, crackers, pasta sauces, and even pickles. Groups like the Corn Refiner’s Association and companies whose products contain high fructose corn syrup continue to market it as a safe, almost "natural" product. The truth, however, is that studies have shown serious health issues arise from consuming this stuff, including kidney stones. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm