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Goldenrod, or solidago, is a plant used as a traditional approach to diabetes, gout, and arthritis. It is also used as a mouth rinse to reduce discomfort and swelling in the mouth and throat. While folk medicine regards it as a natural approach for supporting the body against a wide range of issues, its ability to aid and soothe the urinary tract is more than folklore. In fact, modern science supports its use as a protector of urinary tract and kidney health. (more…)

The leaves of bearberry, or uva ursi as it is often called, have played an important role in kidney and urinary health around the globe for centuries. It remained a common approach to UTIs and kidney stones until the recent advent of antibiotics. The overuse of antibiotic therapy, however, has resulted in numerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria issues. Fortunately, plant-based approaches continue to prove effective against harmful organisms. Here’s 6 facts you should know about how uva ursi may support kidney and urinary tract health. (more…)

When it comes to protecting the body, a discussion involving the best ways of keeping the heart, brain, and digestive tract strong is almost always brought up. The urinary tract – which includes the kidneys and bladder – carries a heavy burden when it comes to removing many of the body’s toxins. When the urinary tract is under a great deal of stress, toxins can build up and damage organs. Mallow root, commonly called marshmallow as a reference to the marshes it's typically grown in, has been used since ancient […]

If you're pregnant, you want to assure that your developing child is receiving only the very best. One way to do this is to consume as much natural, plant-based foods as possible. Unfortunately, there are many different theories about what foods constitute a good diet. It may be simpler to understand what to avoid while pregnant. Use this post as a guidance system for creating your own diet for you and your baby. (more…)

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Cellulite is ripply fat around the buttocks and upper legs and it has affected women since the beginning of time, but seems to be more persistent these days. Let's take a look at what's causing it and what you can do to get rid of it. What Is Cellulite? Cellulite is the product of two things – fat and connective tissue, otherwise known as collagen. You could also make the argument that there's a third factor – being a woman. Women have three layers of fat under the most cellulite-prone […]

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