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Two thousand years ago, the Greeks and Romans used silver containers to hold and protect perishable liquids against harmful organisms. Silver containers were used until the invention of refrigeration to protect food liquids, such as milk, from spoiling. Using silver in the medical setting came into practice about one hundred and fifty years ago as a means to protect against infection. It remained popular against harmful organisms until the advent of antibiotics. (more…)

Your immune system is your frontline defense against environmental toxins, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. Unfortunately, the toxins present in today’s world are weakening the human immune system at an ever-increasing rate and there’s only so much we can do to control what we're exposed to. On the flip side, certain tools and supplements can help support your immune system. (more…)

That uncomfortable feeling of your stomach being stretched to the breaking point, of your clothes fitting too tightly, and the burning nausea and cramping that accompanies bloating are all-too-common issues for many people today. Pharmacy shelves are full of various bloating remedies, and doctors’ offices are packed with patients suffering from the common complaint. Drugs and over-the-counter medications may provide temporary relief, but if you’re not dealing with the underlying concerns, you are only setting yourself up for more bloating. (more…)

Ever find yourself unable to remember what you did just two minutes ago? Or maybe you experience brain fog more often than you’d like. These days it seems to happen more frequently to all of us. Information overload, stress, and even the assortment of environmental toxins which assault us on a daily basis can impact brain function. While I recommend diet, exercise, and reducing use of electronics as the best ways to get the brain back to working order, sometimes we need a little help to restore mental balance. (more…)

Colloidal silver has been used for centuries to promote good health and studies continue to also show that colloidal silver outperforms many mainstream methods used against harmful organisms. [1] With so many cases of antibiotic resistance, it's no wonder why colloidal silver has become extremely popular in recent years. Consumers should know, however, that not all silver products are created equal. Here are 5 things you must know about colloidal silver. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm