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It's a common frustration: You've spent a warm, sunny day working in your garden, dutifully tilling the earth and planting seeds at just the right depth and distance — and then the next week, you go outside to find a crop of happy little dandelions enjoying your perfectly primed dirt. Of course, your first instinct is to destroy the invaders. So you get out your weed killer to take those dandelions to task. Wait. Do you know what's in that weed killer? If it's full of chemicals that you can't […]

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Have you ever done the tissue test, where you hold up a piece of pristine white tissue paper next to your teeth to see the color difference? If you're like most people, the results are disheartening: stained, dull, yellow teeth — a far cry from the bright whiteness of the tissue. Luckily, whitening your teeth doesn't have to be a big ordeal. There are plenty of do-it-yourself natural teeth whitening options, including herbs, activated charcoal, and more. Plus, these methods are inexpensive and safe — unlike professional teeth whitening services […]

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Tiny organs inside your cells — mitochondria — work hard every day, turning the food you consume into energy. But with age, the number of mitochondria naturally declines.[1] A molecule found in your body called pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ for short, has many benefits for your health, most notably boosting the production of mitochondria. Referred to as an all-natural "fountain of youth," PQQ's ability to power up your mitochondria does a lot for your health and longevity. When you have more mitochondria, it impacts your energy level, metabolism, and resilience […]

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Everyone talks about aging gracefully but let's get serious. When your ears suddenly sprout hair, you leak a little every time you laugh, and you habitually adjust your television's volume control to a very, very loud setting, “grace" is not the first word that enters your mind. How many of us actually age like Harrison Ford or Jane Fonda? (They even named Fonda's character Grace on the show, “Grace and Frankie"!) In our less starry-eyed "real lives," we can nevertheless achieve a reality where our intellectual, emotional, and physical lives […]

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If you're pregnant and exhausted, you're not alone. Research shows that 90 percent of women experience pregnancy fatigue, particularly in the first trimester, though it often returns in the third trimester.[1] Some women experience it in all three! While most parents expect they will feel tired once the baby arrives, the intense and persistent fatigue many women experience during pregnancy can come as a surprise. Although it can feel frustrating and, at times, debilitating, pregnancy fatigue is a good sign. It indicates that your body is producing the hormones needed […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm