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Quinoa is an alternative grain and an incredibly nutritious food. If you’re looking for a way to add quinoa to your diet, this amazing quinoa salad will leave you asking for more. I found the original recipe on Two Peas & Their Pod and can’t wait to share it with you. Let’s get started. (more…)

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Did you know your gut health may affect your mood and behavior? The belief that gut health is connected to mental well-being dates back more than a hundred years. In the early 1900’s, scientists and clinicians emphasized the relationship between gastrointestinal health and mental health. By 1930, opinions reversed and it was thought that mental health disorders were an influencing factor in gastrointestinal disorders.[1] (more…)

This sweet treat combines pears, goji berries, and ginger into a surprisingly healthy dessert that you don’t have to feel guilty about enjoying. Pears are a delicious metabolism booster. Anjou, bartlett, and bosc pears taste excellent and work especially well. A tip – pears are best picked a little underripe and stored in a paper bag for a few days to ripen. Adding an apple or banana to the bag helps speed the ripening process. (more…)

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Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) comes from the elder tree, which is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. A related species called American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) grows across the United States and Canada. Many cultures have appreciated and relied on both elder trees for everything from musical instruments to food and medicine. In medieval Europe, the elder tree was revered as holy and reputed to have health-preserving and restorative properties.[1] For centuries, herbal remedies in the form of teas, poultices, creams, and salves have all been produced from the […]

Fats are a highly varied macronutrient group, and they're present in both animal and plant-derived foods. At nine calories per gram, fat is the most dense source of calories required by the human body.[1] However, not all fats are created equally and it’s crucial to pay attention to which types of fat you include in your diet.[2] Some fats are healthy, some are fairly neutral, while others are actively detrimental to your health. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm