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Goji berries are an excellent source of antioxidants and nutrients, you might even call them a legitimate superfood. They’re a great snack on their own, but if you’d like to switch it up and experience them in a new way, this goji, blueberry, and peach pie is unparalleled. Fair warning – this 100% vegan pie is both time and labor intensive but could really be a hit at special occasions. If you need to impress someone with a dessert, consider this the ace up your sleeve. (more…)

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The Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976 (TSCA for short) is a federal law in the United States that gives the nation’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to set, maintain, and enforce regulations related to the use of chemical substances. The regulation does not include any oversight into areas of food, drugs, cosmetics, or pesticides, but it does cover many industrial chemicals. Today, however, there are many who believe that the TSCA does not extend sufficient powers to the EPA to effectively protect the public at large from the […]

In 2014, the state of Vermont passed a progressive GMO labeling law that would require GMO foods producers to clearly identify all genetically modified food products. This legislation extends to any “food produced with genetic engineering” and is slated to go into effect on July 1st, 2016 - mere days from now. GMO labeling has been a testy issue for many, and no one has fought harder against this than Monsanto. (more…)

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Frankincense is a special sap from the Boswellia tree and it's had a wide array of cultural applications for over 5000 years.[1] Boswellia trees are hardy trees that yield the valuable resin when the bark is “striped”, or slashed open. It’s a process that’s done by hand to ensure the highest quality resin. Frankincense originated in Africa, India, and the Middle East, with most of the supply coming from the nation of Oman. Trade grew extensive and frankincense eventually became so prized that it was one of the three gifts […]

Selenium is a trace element and mineral that is essential for human life.[1] It is critical to many of our basic physiological functions, including protecting cells from oxidative stress and helping the thyroid produce hormones. It is found in many selenium-rich fruits and vegetables and some animal products. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm