Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

How do you decide what to eat? Think about what influences your decision. Nutrition, taste, health, cultural preferences and taboos, regional specialties, availability, personal preference, dietary restrictions... advertising? All of these can play a part, but for now, let’s focus on that last one. (more…)

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For most people, work occupies a substantial part of their life. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ American Time Use Survey, people spend nearly nine hours on work-related activities during their day.[1] Other studies, such as a 2014 survey by Gallup, suggest that the average number was actually closer to forty-seven hours per week. Add another eight hours for sleep, and you are spending more than 70 percent of your day on sleep and work alone.[2] (more…)

If you follow this website, you know that detoxing is a subject of huge importance to us. In fact, performing regular body cleanses and detoxes are a core principle of my beliefs on health and healing. I talk about them so much that I sometimes take for granted that we're all on the same page. Maybe I should explain myself for the benefit of new readers. What exactly is a detox? Simply put, a detox is a process in which a person makes lifestyle changes to clear their body of […]

Ruthenium is a hard, metallic, chemical element that is commonly found as a rare earth metal. Ruthenium’s atomic number is 44 and its atomic weight is 101.07. It is greyish-white in color and a member of the platinum family.[1] At only about 0.0004 parts per million, ruthenium is one of the rarest elements in the earth’s crust. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm