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One of the world's most popular herbicide – Roundup – is making its way back into the headlines in regards to its health and environmental effects. Monsanto, the producer of Roundup (glyphosate), claims this herbicide is safe; however, study after study from independent researchers is showing the exact opposite. A new research study is showing that small amounts of exposure – up to thousands of times lower than permitted in drinking water in the U.S. – can produce unfavorable and concerning effects in the liver and kidneys. Could this study […]

Most people are familiar with parsley as a food garnish that's used as a mere decoration and usually discarded. But, did you know that when it comes to herbs that promote superior body cleansing, parsley is one that’s high on the list? Toxins, chemicals, and toxic metals – none stand a chance against this nutritional powerhouse. [1] It’s rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and ascorbic acid, and its benefits have been known for centuries. (more…)

From deep within the Caucasus and Himalayan mountains, Shilajit (pronounced shi-lah-jeet) is a naturally occurring substance that’s rich in beneficial nutrients. Although it’s somewhat unknown today, it is still prominent in many natural health practices, including Ayurveda. This blackish, smooth substance can be found in high concentrations in the Altai Mountains. One of the main constituents of the material is fulvic acid, which has shown some promise in heavy metal protection and brain support. (more…)

Pans with a non-stick coating are convenient but new research suggests that the chemical used for the coating is extremely toxic and exposure on any level could prove dangerous to brain health, the reproductive system, and immune system. (more…)

The topic of GMO labeling is hot right now and both sides are passionate. Should foods in the United States require GMO labeling, following suit of many other countries throughout the world? If there's nothing to hide, then why not label foods? The argument is that GMO foods are no better or worse for health than non-GMOs, and that labeling may confuse consumers and drive down profit for numerous food manufacturers. Now, in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is coming to the aid of labeling proponents, calling for […]

A bottle of Kava Calm