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Women's Health

Cardiovascular Health

It’s estimated nearly 40% of the American population suffers from B12 levels that are too low. [1] With low B12 levels, your brain doesn’t work quite right and more often than not you’re suffering from chronic fatigue. But vitamin B12 does more than just support healthy energy levels. Its complex functionality is mirrored in its wide range of health benefits. The question is, are you getting enough? The Seven Most Important Functions of Vitamin B12 Many people receive vitamin B12 injections on a regular basis to provide a boost in […]

Using hormones to combat age-related hormonal shifts sounds a bit like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail into a piece of wood. Yes, the nail will go through, but at what cost? Hormones control practically every function, mechanism, and metabolic reaction in our body. Science has shown just how powerful hormones are for affecting every aspect of health, including cardiovascular, mood, cognitive function, and even digestion. (more…)

The negative health effects of BPA exposure have become regular headlines in the news. BPA, or bisphenol-A, is a chemical found in many common products, from cans and dental fillings to cash register receipts. Unfortunately, its exposure is associated with a range of health concerns including diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Now, new research has linked it to high blood pressure. (more…)

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Brahmi, or Bacopa monnieri, is a therapeutic plant used in Ayurveda for many purposes. Modern research has even begun to evaluate Brahmi's role against several neurological diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Although we need to be clear that Brahmi isn't a cure or treatment for any of these health issues, supplementation with the herb has been evaluated and the results are interesting discussion nonetheless. (more…)

Calorie restriction is defined as a reduction of 30-60% of one’s regular calorie intake while maintaining a diet that provides enough nutrients to prevent malnutrition. Scientists believe calorie restriction stimulates a defensive state designed to help an organism survive environmental and metabolic adversity. This non-genetic strategy has been observed to encourage youthfulness and extend average and maximum lifespan in most living creatures. [1] (more…)