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Women's Health


Thyroid concerns affects millions of people around the world, including those in industrialized countries such as the United States. The conditions resulting from thyroid concerns can be extremely serious. As a regulator of hormone production and metabolism, the thyroid needs to function properly to maintain good health. The good news is, there are nutritional steps you can take to help support your thyroid. The thyroid needs very specific nutrients to maintain proper function. First and foremost is iodine. Selenium has also been recognized recently as a necessary component of thyroid […]

People who are beginning to implement more vegan foods into their diet are usually concerned with the nutritional give-and-take that happens when you exclude certain types of food. Specifically, when it comes to cutting out dairy, most people are concerned with how that will affect their calcium intake. The good news is that vegan sources of calcium certainly do exist (more…)

Health awareness is increasing and so is the demand for healthy and nutritious food choices. Arguably, many prepackaged and processed food options unnecessarily pollute the can-be-simple process of providing our bodies with nutrition. In response, many people look to whole, raw foods that have traditional appreciation. Here are four incredible superfoods that can benefit just about anyone’s diet. Best Superfoods for Your Diet 1. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are a traditional food in central and South America and, yes, these are the same seeds known for the association with the […]

Antioxidants have the ability to neutralize and reduce free radical damage. To deeply comprehend the power of antioxidants, you must first understand what free radicals are and how they react in the body. Free radicals are harmful compounds that have an unpaired electron, an aspect of their structure that makes them highly unstable. Their instability causes them to wreak havoc on cells, fatty acids, and other structures in your body. Free radicals also act as catalysts for diseases, many diseases. (more…)

Zinc is an essential mineral that contributes to our total physical and mental well-being. It is a key player in the optimal functioning of the reproductive organs, and an important element involved in basic cellular function. Zinc also strengthens the human immune system and deters common skin conditions. It acts as a cofactor with more than 300 different enzymes, boosting the functioning of many of the body's most basic chemical processes. Types of Zinc Zinc is not easily absorbed in the body unless first attached to another substance. For this […]