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Women's Health

Green Living

Sleep is an essential part of our daily routine, and it is vital for our physical and mental health. Unfortunately, many people often underestimate the importance of sleep and don't get enough of it. This can have a negative impact on our overall well-being, leading to several physical and mental health problems. Adequate sleep can help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, which are all common mental health problems. When we sleep, our brain processes and consolidates memories, which can help to improve cognitive function, including learning and memory. Additionally, proper […]

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Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. It’s grown in over 70 countries and amounts to over 16 billion pounds of beans every year. That’s a lot of beans… and when they’re only used once and thrown away, it also amounts to a huge amount of waste. If you drink a lot of coffee or have worked in a coffee house, you have probably looked at the massive amount of coffee grounds being thrown away after one use and wondered, “isn’t there something these can be […]

Did you know that every year, in 2018 alone, volunteers collected more than 23 million pounds of trash during the International Coastal Cleanup on beaches around the word?[1] More and more people are figuring out creative ways to reduce plastic use — so that it never creates waste in the first place! You may have heard the adage "reduce, reuse, and recycle," but it’s even simpler than it sounds. A few small changes to your daily habits can quickly add up to less plastic waste. You can swap everyday items […]

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As much as we look after our insides, we also should take care of our homes' insides. If nothing else, that's where we live, and if we're to stay healthy, we should live in a clean and healthy environment. When the indoor environment where we live becomes toxic, it's only a matter of time before these sick buildings impact our well-being. (more…)

Every April 22, millions of people in nearly 200 countries celebrate Earth Day, and I’m one of them. Originating in 1970, Earth Day is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how we can make our Earth a better place. It’s a time to be mindful of your impact on the Earth and challenge yourself to adopt new, environmentally friendly habits that conserve resources, save money, and encourage healthy living all-around. In fact, with wonderful benefits like those, doesn’t it make sense to live every day like it’s […]