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Women's Health

Gut and Digestive Health

Your poop is an important indicator of how your body is running and your current health status. While using the appearance of your poop to gauge your wellness may seem strange to some, it is a medically proven way to detect an imbalance in your gut and disruptions to your digestive health. If you want to measure your health by your poop, then the Bristol Stool Scale is one of the best tools to use. (more…)

A healthy colon is the center of a healthy, happy life. The colon is a workhorse for your digestive system and helps absorb the nutrients your body needs. Unfortunately, with all the good your colon does, it also gets hit with the brunt of toxins and harmful organisms your body takes in. Fortunately, if you want to keep your colon clean and healthy, there are many options available to you. First and foremost, eating more fruits and vegetables and sticking to the right diet plan will have exponential benefits. Performing […]

Almost everyone has or will experience some form of constipation during their life. Signs or symptoms of constipation include infrequent bowel movements, painful stools, bloating, and the need to strain to pass waste. Causes of constipation include a poor diet, dehydration, and a lack of physical activity. Laxatives are the popular way to remedy constipation, but exercise and a healthy, organic diet can be just as effective and much less harmful to your digestive health. (more…)

Have you ever read a food or supplement label, saw that it contained citric acid, and wondered what the heck citric acid is? Though the name sounds half-natural half-synthetic, citric acid is a wonderful natural ingredient that can boost detoxification and support healthy digestion, energy levels, and kidney function. Here, we’ll take a look at this intriguing ingredient and explain how the right type of citric acid can benefit your health. (more…)

When it comes to cultivating a healthy, balanced gut, Saccharomyces boulardii (sometimes referred to as Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is one of the best probiotics available. Although many probiotics are bacteria, Saccharomyces boulardii is different in that it's actually a strain of baker’s yeast. Like other probiotics, however, Saccharomyces boulardii is a multitasker that helps maintain gut health, supports overall well-being, and even discourages gastric distress.[1] Let's take a closer look at the benefits of Saccharomyces boulardii, how it strengthens the gut, and where you can find it. (more…)