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A bottle of Berberine


As societal wealth grows, so do people's waistlines — and thousands of businesses, pharmaceutical companies, and authors claim to have a "quick fix." As of January 2018, the worldwide value of the diet industry is more than $168 billion,[1] but the actual evidence to support the idea that all the promises of quick weight loss actually work or help you keep weight off for the long term is flimsy. Thankfully, more and more people are turning away from the quick-fix mentality and looking for long-term solutions. We've curated a list […]

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For smokers, quitting is — by far — the most important step you can take to improve your health as well as that of your family. Maybe you're worried about the harm cigarettes have caused your body, concerned about the effects of second-hand smoke on those around you, or feel like your tobacco use comes at a high cost. Whatever your motivation, remember that quitting smoking is a journey that requires a plan of action. Making the firm decision to quit is the first step on your path to better […]

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Did you know that headaches are the most common form of pain?[1] Relatively minor and temporary conditions such as dehydration, stress, the flu, a cold, an ear or tooth infection, or staring at a computer screen for too long cause most headaches. Others may be caused by underlying medical issues, like a blow to the head or something more serious. (more…)

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In Indian mythology, neem has a divine origin. When the elixir of immortality was being carried to heaven by divine beings, drops fell on the neem tree, which led to its miraculous healing properties. Found throughout the Indian subcontinent, Ayurvedic medicine practitioners have used the bark, leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits of the neem tree (Azadirachta indica) for centuries. (more…)

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If your lungs are overworked or damaged by smoking, illness, allergies, or just being around air pollution in the environment, you can take specific steps to cleanse your lungs. Keeping your lungs clean, clear, and healthy will give you a greater connection to your vital life force. (more…)