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You likely don't give much thought to your prostate — until it starts to cause concern. If you’re a man advancing in age, you might notice common signs of an enlarged prostate gland. These include changes to your flow of urine, waking in the night to urinate, or frequent urination. You may feel like you can’t empty your bladder fully, that urination is not complete, or that the stream stops and starts. An enlarged prostate may also affect sexual activity. Prostate issues range from minor inconveniences to serious life-threatening illnesses. […]

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If you get a burning sensation when you're urinating, it could signal a urinary tract infection (UTI). "Feeling the burn" is a good thing when you're lifting weights or on a long run, but not when you have a UTI. In addition to traditional treatments, many UTI home remedies — like taking probiotics, drinking plenty of water, and drinking cranberry juice — may help. Better yet, these home remedies may prevent you from getting UTIs in the first place! UTIs are one of the most common health complaints, responsible for […]

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Tiny organs inside your cells — mitochondria — work hard every day, turning the food you consume into energy. But with age, the number of mitochondria naturally declines.[1] A molecule found in your body called pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ for short, has many benefits for your health, most notably boosting the production of mitochondria. Referred to as an all-natural "fountain of youth," PQQ's ability to power up your mitochondria does a lot for your health and longevity. When you have more mitochondria, it impacts your energy level, metabolism, and resilience […]

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The body is an incredible machine. Each person's body has a built-in detox system — starting with the gastrointestinal (GI) tract — that processes toxins, chemicals, and other harmful substances that your food inevitably contains. The GI tract begins to remove harmful substances from your food by sending them out of the body in your stool or to the liver and kidneys to be fully detoxified. The GI tract also breaks down the food you eat, using the nutrients to build muscle, bone, brain, and other critical body tissues. Over […]

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We all want a magic pill that can help us burn fat. Unfortunately, those don't exist. However, natural fat burners — foods and nutritional supplements that have fat-burning properties — can aid a healthy diet and exercise plan.[1] However, they cannot solve your weight concerns on their own; that requires you to also change your habits and aim for a healthy lifestyle. You can find natural fat burners in foods, including herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Alternatively, you can purchase fat-burning supplements that come in capsules, powders, […]

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