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Liver and Gallbladder

The beneficial microbes inhabiting your gut have long been known to support digestive health, but deeper research is showing how intestinal bacteria controls and protects organ health. The liver, one of the organs reliant on a healthy balance of good bacteria, is our main detoxifying center. When we're receiving enough probiotics (as well as prebiotics), it works more efficiently at removing toxins from our food and environment. It turns out that many of the liver's metabolic functions are either enhanced or suppressed by the presence or lack of healthy bacteria […]

You are probably well aware of the symptoms of liver toxicity due to a poor lifestyle. Liver disease, on the other hand, is commonly prescribed to people who consume too much alcohol. Recently, another type of liver disease has been on the rise. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a different type of liver disease that is not affected by alcohol intake. [1] Instead, it is caused by the high level of accumulated fat within the liver. A normal liver is about 5 - 10% fat. Anymore than that can […]

Although you may never pick up an alcoholic beverage, you could still be regularly exposing yourself to the detrimental health effects of alcohol. Household products, for example, often contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and can be a source many people don't consider. While exposure to these products won't necessarily make you intoxicated, mere exposure to alcohol can be a health concern. Alcohol is an endocrine disruptor and many people are becoming increasingly concerned with its pervasiveness in common, everyday products. What is an Endocrine Disruptor? Your endocrine system produces and regulates […]

Spirulina is cyanobacterium (blue-green algae) that grows in alkaline water. Spirulina is rich in protein and nutrients and been used as a food source in Africa for centuries. Today, spirulina powders and capsules are popular nutritional supplements. And, the rich antioxidant properties and therapeutic benefits are not just for people. Preliminary research in Australia has shown that livestock feed that's been enhanced with nutritious spirulina to improve growth, fertility, aesthetic and nutritional quality in farm animals. [1] (more…)

Thyroid concerns affects millions of people around the world, including those in industrialized countries such as the United States. The conditions resulting from thyroid concerns can be extremely serious. As a regulator of hormone production and metabolism, the thyroid needs to function properly to maintain good health. The good news is, there are nutritional steps you can take to help support your thyroid. The thyroid needs very specific nutrients to maintain proper function. First and foremost is iodine. Selenium has also been recognized recently as a necessary component of thyroid […]