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The past decade has seen a surge in probiotic sales, thanks to an increased scrutiny on the powerful benefits associated with good bacteria. While there are many who cringe at the thought of consuming bacteria, probiotics are actually crucial for the functioning of your digestion, mood, and even bone health. No longer are probiotics being relegated to supporting only digestion. In fact, it turns out these beneficial microorganisms may also support the immune system. Vitamin C used to be the main dietary component attributed to immune support; however, recent reports […]

Thanks to advances in the understanding of the human body and bacteria, the incredible list of benefits that probiotics offer has been brought to light! Knowing if probiotics are right for you specifically might be a challenge, but knowing a little bit more about the family of lactic acid (including the individual strains) will provide the best results. Lactobacillus acidophilus is a strain you’ve probably seen in commercial yogurt and probiotic supplements. It turns out that its health benefits are numerous and promising, particularly in the areas of lactose intolerance, […]

Diaper rash is a common condition that affects most babies at some point in their new lives. It appears on the buttocks, thighs, or any area covered by diapers. It is characterized by a red rash and may be caused by a number of things. Diaper rash affects the baby physically but the family as a whole. The last thing a new mother and father needs is to stress from seeing their newborn suffer. (more…)

Many have said that our country runs on coffee. Some might also say we're addicted to caffeine and the energy it provides. Caffeine is a highly addictive compound that many people have come to depend on for the perception of increased energy. Caffeine operates by preventing the chemical adenosine from telling the brain it's time to relax. The result is a surge of unnatural energy; but, over time, the brain becomes accustomed to the threshold and requires more caffeine to provide the same alertness. (more…)

You may have heard a lot about antioxidants in conjunction with good health and avoiding diseases. Antioxidants have gotten great press, and rightfully so. But how do they work once inside our bodies, and what are some sources of antioxidants? (more…)

Women's Health