Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Health experts are recommending "social distancing" — staying home and going out only for essentials. Some people relish the idea, while others get a bit stir-crazy, even as we know it’s for the greater good. Uncertain times like these can feel stressful. But much of how we cope depends on our mental attitude. Instead of stressing over things beyond your control, use this time alone to improve your health and well-being — from getting more exercise to taking up the meditation practice you’ve wanted to start for years. You can […]

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Imagine going through the day with a constant happy vibe. You’re productive, content, and feeling good. In today’s busy world, we can easily forget it’s possible to feel stress-free and live in a peaceful state of mind. Your stress levels don’t have to be through the roof. In fact, chronic stress can have serious ramifications on your health. Getting to that peaceful place may require lifestyle and dietary changes, but it’s definitely possible. After I changed my diet and my lifestyle decades ago, I went from being depressed to having […]

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If you want a nutritional supplement to enhance your brain function — short-term memory, focus, creativity, mood, or motivation — look for a nootropic. The term nootropic comes from the Greek root words nóos (mind) and tropé (turning). Natural nootropics can help older adults stay sharp, students who want to improve their memory for upcoming exams, or busy workers who need a boost of creativity. Having good mental health is more than just the absence of illness. It also involves having a positive mood with enough energy and mental clarity […]

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Itchy, scratchy skin. Unexplained sneezing and red, watery eyes. Constant headaches? Is this an allergy — or something else? You may be experiencing histamine intolerance — when too many of these compounds have built up in your blood, causing an allergy-like reaction. Histamines themselves are immune fighters that respond to foreign invaders, like pollen or food you're sensitive to. But when you get too much, then pow! — histamine intolerance hits. Histamine intolerance is not the same as histamine sensitivity. If you're histamine-sensitive, any amount will cause a reaction. With […]

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Are you looking for something that boosts your brain — giving you more mental energy, motivation, memory, or focus? Then you’re looking for a nootropic. Whether you’re a hard worker needing a boost of creativity, a student ready to hit the books, or a grandmother wanting extra energy for your weekend with the grandkids, nootropics may help. This class of supplements can help you think more clearly, boost your memory, and gain mental energy and focus. Read on to learn more. What Are Nootropics? People have used natural, plant-based herbal […]

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A bottle of Berberine