Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

When approached correctly, a vegan and vegetarian diet is a fantastic way to give your body a pure stream of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, to get the most out of your effort, nutritional knowledge, practice, and discipline are paramount to getting the nutrients you require – especially amino acids and vitamin B12. A journey into the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle without that knowledge may result in your experiencing one or more of the following 10 concerns. (more…)

Pine bark extract is usually from the French maritime pine (Pinus pisaster) that also grows in countries along the western Mediterranean. Pine bark contains a number of beneficial compounds extracted from the bark in a way that doesn’t destroy or damage the tree. (more…)

Goldenrod, or solidago, is a plant used as a traditional approach to diabetes, gout, and arthritis. It is also used as a mouth rinse to reduce discomfort and swelling in the mouth and throat. While folk medicine regards it as a natural approach for supporting the body against a wide range of issues, its ability to aid and soothe the urinary tract is more than folklore. In fact, modern science supports its use as a protector of urinary tract and kidney health. (more…)

Cellulite is ripply fat around the buttocks and upper legs and it has affected women since the beginning of time, but seems to be more persistent these days. Let's take a look at what's causing it and what you can do to get rid of it. What Is Cellulite? Cellulite is the product of two things – fat and connective tissue, otherwise known as collagen. You could also make the argument that there's a third factor – being a woman. Women have three layers of fat under the most cellulite-prone […]

Your immune system is your frontline defense against environmental toxins, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. Unfortunately, the toxins present in today’s world are weakening the human immune system at an ever-increasing rate and there’s only so much we can do to control what we're exposed to. On the flip side, certain tools and supplements can help support your immune system. (more…)

Women's Health