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A bottle of Berberine

Personal Care Products

Epsom salt is a potent mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate. It is widely used to relieve many minor health issues. Soaking in a bath with Epsom salt can relieve achy feet and soothe sore muscles. Epsom salt is used in skin cleansers and hair care products to help naturally exfoliate skin and give hair more volume and shine. Many people also turn to Epsom salt as a remedy for occasional constipation as ingesting food grade Epsom salt flushes the gastrointestinal tract and encourages detoxification. (more…)

Many people don’t realize the number of toxins they are surrounded by in their homes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the air in homes and other buildings is usually more polluted than the air outdoors, even in major cities. With many new chemicals introduced to the world’s markets every year, household toxins are more prevalent now than ever before. These toxins are found in many household items, including mattresses, floors, furniture, and cosmetics. Ridding your house of these harmful substances can make your home healthier, happier, […]

We live in a world where the products that we use on a daily basis are actually laden with some of the most toxic chemicals on the planet. Studies are now showing that continuous exposure to toxic chemicals in personal hygiene products, such as antiperspirants, may be related to allergic reactions, Alzheimer's, and even breast cancer in women [1]. This may come as no surprise considering the fact that most deodorants are made up of aluminum chlorohydrate, as well as up to 20 other toxic chemicals. (more…)

Creating a clean, green environment in your home is a process that requires a multi-tiered approach. Stocking it with organic food and installing air and water purification devices are effective but it's also important to consider how you maintain your home. Ironically, common household cleaning sprays, solutions, and laundry detergent are among the biggest sources of toxins in the average home. The good news, however, is that there is a totally natural, eco-friendly replacement that can satisfy all your household cleaning solution needs — soap nuts. What Are Soap Nuts? […]

The beauty industry has an ugly secret: Most skin care products contain harmful chemicals that could potentially harm your health, and even make aging worse. Your makeup, face cream, skin moisturizer, or cleanser may deliver short-term smoothness and brightness, but it also may disrupt your hormones, expose you to cancer-causing chemicals, and deliver dangerous toxins that age your skin. In the U.S., beauty products are regulated under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines such products as, “articles intended to […]