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Personal Care Products

Aluminum is a toxic metal so pervasive in our environment that it's practically impossible to avoid. It's present in water, soil, food, cookware, and food packaging. Even items like conventional antiperspirants and antacids, products used by millions every day, contain aluminum. Yet aluminum has been linked to neurological conditions like Alzheimer's disease and some research has even linked it to cancer. As the use of aluminum has become increasingly prevalent over the past 150 years, so has accumulation in the human body. (more…)

To live a truly green and healthy life, simply changing what you eat and how often you exercise can make a huge impact; but, why stop there? Your home is your haven, and it is meant to keep you and your family safe and comfortable. Unfortunately, there are certain products common to many homes that might be damaging your health, and a main offender may be in your laundry room. Many commercial varieties of laundry detergent contain pollutants, chemicals, and artificial preservatives, all toxic to human health. (more…)

Most people actively try to minimize the amount of toxins that enter their body. They eat good food, they drink purified water, they breathe purified air, and some even take added measures to detoxify their body. However, what many people don't realize is that toxins can be absorbed through their skin. No time is this more important than when deciding what kind of soap to use. Given the industrious process used to produce many of the commonly known soaps, it's not a surprise that most contain questionable chemicals, dyes, and […]

Using cosmetics that contain harmful chemicals can lead to dire health consequences down the road. If you're trying to live a clean, green life it only makes sense to seek out non-toxic, all-natural options. Choosing organic shampoo and conditioner products is one of the best places to start. They're easy to find and usually only marginally more expensive than traditional brands. If you've used cheap shampoo or conditioner and your hair or scalp could use reviving, organic alternatives can help. (more…)

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Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and other evidence shows fluoride is even a neurotoxin. Unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day, and the potential health concerns are unavoidable. Fortunately, when it comes to oral health, there are several fluoride-free alternatives. (more…)