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A bottle of Berberine

Raw Food Diet

When developing a raw vegan diet, or any diet for that matter, you should focus on choosing foods that provide your body with the five most essential types of nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Fortunately, these essential nutrients are present in a wide range of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and plants, so it is actually pretty easy to create a diet for yourself that is highly varied, palatable, and rich in nutritious value. (more…)

When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow as well as supplements you can take. One plan, in particular, is to eat detoxifying foods. These foods have properties that help your body's natural detoxification processes work more efficiently. They may boost your liver health or help digestion. They contain healthful vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Read on! (more…)

The glycemic index (GI) is a way to measure the impact that carbohydrate-containing foods have on blood sugar, or blood glucose.[1] People are interested in understanding the glycemic index (and the glycemic load) of food so they can construct a healthier diet. Blood sugar affects many aspects of health, including the risk of getting cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, so watching the GI of foods in your diet can improve your overall health prospects. (more…)

Your colon has a hefty job: it absorbs all the vital nutrients and vitamins in your food and flushes your body of toxins. Why not give it a helping hand? With Global Healing’s simple six-day Colon Cleanse Program™, you can activate your body’s self-healing capabilities and set your body and mind on the path to great health. Here’s how it works: You’ll eat nothing but raw fruit for six days, while taking our oxygen-based colon cleanse product, Oxy-Powder®, along with our cleanse-promoting transient probiotic, Latero-Flora™. This promotes healthy bacteria in […]

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Digestion is a complex process with many components and digestive enzymes are among the most important.[1] Digestive enzymes help break down food so that the body can use the nutrients within the food. For a healthy person, their body should produce all the digestive enzymes they require. However, age, lifestyle, diet, and certain medical disorders can affect enzyme production. If this happens to you and your digestion isn't as smooth as it could be, you can boost your enzyme supply by eating certain foods. In this article, we'll look at […]