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A bottle of Berberine


Oxygen is, by far, the most vital component humans need to live. We can go weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without air. To get the most out of oxygen, it's imperative our lungs are functioning properly. Every cell in the human body requires oxygen and, although it seems like an autonomous function, deep breathing exercises can be done to help clear out toxins that may have built up in the lungs which can help improve lung performance and clear airways. Deep breathing gets more […]

You’re probably familiar with hydrogen peroxide and know it can be used to whiten teeth, sterilize a cut, or as a mouthwash. However, do you know about food grade hydrogen peroxide? Watch my video or read the transcription below to learn about the basics, benefits, and uses of food grade hydrogen peroxide. (more…)

When you want natural, effective relief for seasonal coughs and colds, eucalyptus is your essential oil of choice. This fragrant evergreen tree is a household favorite not only for its odor-eliminating leaves but also thanks to its healing properties. If you want to get the incredible benefits of eucalyptus while minimizing your exposure to toxic chemicals found in many over-the-counter products, try making homemade disinfectant, hand sanitizer, and mouthwash. (more…)

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Although orange peels are a common addition to the compost pile, next time you’re about to toss them, don’t. They’re packed with beneficial compounds and nutrients that can do your body some extra good, especially if you’re suffering from respiratory distress. (more…)

Anyone who has breathing difficulties knows just how much it can seriously affect quality of life. Unfortunately, as pollution levels rise, so, too, does the rate of asthma. Recent data from the Center for Disease Control reveals hard truths. In the U.S., for example, 1 in 12 adults have asthma and 9 die from it every day. [1] Of course, pollution’s not the only culprit. Asthma has many causes, after all, and while there may not be a cure, the disease is certainly manageable. (more…)

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