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Sexual Health

Manopause, also known as andropause or male menopause, is the term used to describe the changes in hormone production that men experience as they age. The effects can be profound. Hormone levels affect mental and physical health, and sex drive, too. While it sounds a lot like the menopause that middle-age women know all too well, manopause is more of a continuous process, potentially affecting a man for decades. In fact, for many men, "age related slowdown" can begin as early as their 30's. Let's take a look at a […]

As men age, their bodies produce less testosterone. Because testosterone supports so many of the processes in a man's body, big changes occur when it's in short supply. "Andropause" (or "male menopause") is the term given to the overall process and symptoms that occur when testosterone levels decline. Andropause affects millions of men worldwide and is a common part of aging. (more…)

There is a popular expression in Brazil: until a father is 60, the son is his; after that, the son belongs to catuaba. No, catuaba is not a fertility god, catuaba is actually a small, flowering tree that’s native to the Amazon. Hundreds of years ago, Brazil’s native Tupi tribe discovered that catuaba bark has aphrodisiac qualities. Drinking catuaba tea to spawn erotic dreams and boost libido became a part of their culture. Now, catuaba is one of the most popular Amazonian aphrodisiac plants in the world and is included […]

We hear a lot about how hormonal changes affect women but it's not been until recently that we're beginning to discuss how men experience them too. As early as their early 30’s, men may begin to experience reductions in testosterone, otherwise known as andropause. This can affect sexual vigor, libido, and energy levels, explaining why many aging men complain of being tired and less pleased with their sex lives. Additionally, reductions in testosterone can cause muscle mass to weaken and fat stores to grow. It's no wonder men are interested […]

Whether it be representative of fast Italian cars or Sylvester Stallone himself, the wild stallion has long been an icon for sexual stamina and energy. It’s possible that this trait may be due in part to a heavy diet of avena sativa, better known as wild oats. (more…)