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A bottle of Kava Calm


When Thomas B., a technical director from Sherwood, Arkansas, started looking at all the benefits of taking the essential mineral zinc, he was amazed. "I started reading about zinc and knew I had to start using it," he says. "I remember thinking: How could I be missing something this important?" Thomas takes zinc as soon as he thinks he might be coming down with a cough or cold. The key is to take zinc within 24 hours of developing symptoms because that’s when it’s most effective.[1] "Zinc is my go-to […]

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You wake up, stretch, and focus on your day before heading into the kitchen to start your morning routine. Along with a tall glass of water, perhaps herbal tea and a nutritious breakfast, you get pumped for the day by beginning your supplement regime. But have you ever wondered when you should take each vitamin or mineral? Does it matter if you take it before, during, or after eating — and which meal? We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide on the best time to take the most common […]

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Korean ginseng root (Panax ginseng) — also known as Asian ginseng or Chinese ginseng — is a traditional medicinal herb, used by Asian cultures for more than 2,000 years.[1] "I grew up in a Korean household and my mom's side of the family turns to Chinese medicine daily," says Eileen Cho, a writer from Paris, France. Her mother makes a soup with ginseng, called samgyetang, to eat during the hottest days of the year, knowing that the spicy root would warm the body, even causing sweat — which actually cools […]

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Every morning, Avigdor Miriam, co-founder of a health and wellness digital marketing agency, starts off his day off like many of us: with a cup of coffee. But Avigdor enjoys his coffee with a twist — he adds one teaspoon of MCT oil to his drink, giving him a kick-start for his day. "The oil gives Avigdor laser-beam focus to get tasks done for work, and even boosts his creativity," says Linda Miriam, Avigdor's wife and business partner. Before discovering MCT oil, Avigdor was taking medication to help him focus, […]

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"I was so bloated that I looked nine months pregnant," explains Andrea D., a school secretary from Madison, Wisconsin. "Anything I ate would come right back up, but I was still gaining unwanted weight." With pain rippling through her body, she struggled to sleep and function and had constipation, especially after eating carb-heavy foods. Exhausted from the roller coaster, Andrea consulted a gastroenterologist, desperate for answers. After running tests, Andrea’s doctor told her the news: an imbalance of the bacteria in her gut was causing her symptoms. Seeking relief, Andrea […]