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A bottle of Kava Calm


Vitamin D is a hot topic in the news these days and it’s also one of the most controversial subjects in medical research. The main debate centers around how much vitamin D3, a natural “nutrient” synthesized by the body in response to sunlight exposure, the average person needs. Governmental guidelines may be advocating for less-than-ideal vitamin D levels by giving a generalized recommendation for supplementation. It really is up to consumers to do the research to see how much vitamin D is really necessary. (more…)

You may have heard that taking extra vitamins can improve your memory, protect against Alzheimer's disease, or help you ace that test. Are “brain vitamins" really a thing? In reality, a debate exists over whether vitamins can boost your brain health. You may see wild claims that one vitamin or another may make you smarter, wiser, or delay aging. Others say they do not actually improve your brain's functioning and make you smarter but do support an already-healthy brain. (more…)

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If you’re searching for deep, restful sleep, you may have overlooked one of the simplest solutions: magnesium. An essential mineral, magnesium plays a role in sleep because it promotes the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid — also known as GABA. This neurotransmitter reduces the “excitability” of cells in your brain and nervous system. Those wild-thoughts running through your mind and anxious feelings that keep you awake? Yep. Those are excited neurons and can be calmed by higher GABA levels. If you have trouble falling asleep or can’t stay asleep, you have […]

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As you get older, life should be like a stroll, not a series of constant challenges. Every year you should feel great and look good as you enjoy a high quality of life. Contrary to the myths that senility, sexual dysfunction, or getting wrinkles always come as part of aging, it doesn’t take much to keep yourself healthy, fit, and looking good. 4 Natural Anti-Aging Tips Take these four steps to look and feel young for years to come. 1. Eat Healthy Your first step starts with eating healthy. Your […]

A natural oil that has many benefits and some controversies? CBD is a trending product that you can find in many different markets. Now, you can find CBD in gummies, tinctures, baked goods, and even beauty products! Watch my video or read the transcription below to learn what CBD is and how it can help you. What Is CBD Oil? | Top Benefits ExplainedLength: 5 minutes What Is CBD? Basically, CBD is a plant compound. It's a phytochemical called cannabidiol, which is actually a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It's one […]

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