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Not all iron is created equally, and if you have an iron imbalance, you should carefully consider which iron is best for your health. Your body recognizes the difference between heme and nonheme iron sources and will absorb each type differently. These types are easy to identify in your daily diet. Heme iron comes from animals, and nonheme iron comes from plants. Here is everything else you need to know about the differences between heme and nonheme iron and how each can affect your health. (more…)

Gut health is a balancing act. Stress, toxins, and a bad diet can upset the balance and throw your whole digestive system into complete disarray. Probiotics are one key to keeping the peace and pushing out harmful gut organisms that throw everything off balance. (more…)

When you are feeling sluggish and slow, what do you do? Many people turn to caffeine in the form of teas, coffees, and energy drinks. These methods may provide temporary relief, but if you feel tired because of a B12 deficiency, caffeine won't solve the underlying concern. Lack of energy due to a B12 deficiency is more common than you think. Nearly 40 percent of Americans are deficient in vitamin B12.[1] Since this B vitamin plays a part in the production of red blood cells, nerve sheaths, and DNA, you’ll […]

Feeling tired now and then is normal and natural. It may just mean you need more sleep, and getting a full night’s rest may relieve any fatigue you're feeling. A chronic state of fatigue, however, represents a much bigger issue. Since energy is a cellular function that depends on the vitamins and minerals you consume each day, consistent low energy levels often indicate an imbalance in nutrients. (more…)

One of the leading nutrients on the forefront of scientific research is vitamin D. Also called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is important for immune system support, blood sugar health, and energy. [1] [2] A deficiency in this essential micronutrient is unknowingly plaguing millions of people worldwide. In order to avoid a vitamin D deficiency, you must take conscious, proactive steps to combat the factors that affect absorption. Vitamin D supplementation is the ideal method for reducing deficiency risk, especially in the winter. Sunlight is also a simple and natural […]