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A bottle of Berberine


Milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) has a history dating back over two thousand years as a favorite among herbalists for its positive effects on the liver and gallbladder. [1] The ancient philosophers Pliny and Galen both praised the herb for liver cleansing. Now, milk thistle is one of the most well-researched plants for liver support applications. (more…)

Here's a look at some of the most common diets people are using. I am not endorsing any of these but I've received a lot of questions about them and wanted to provide a brief overview. Fundamentally, I usually recommend a mostly vegetarian diet but that also is a personal preference; you need to do what's best for you. (more…)

What's going on with your fitness routine? Where are you at with it? If you're on the up swing- that's awesome, stick with it. If you're not, why not? What happened to hitting the gym this week? Did Monday quickly turn into Friday and the evenings faded away under a glow from the television set? Is that you? Turn it off, better yet, cancel the service. There is an epidemic of unhealthy bodies in this country and it's caused by an epidemic of "don't feel like it." (more…)

Is there a weight loss program suitable for nearly everyone that follows correct, proven strategies and results in permanent success? Yes! and it's called the Eat Healthy Foods and Exercise Regularly plan! No short cuts included! Forget the empty promises of infomercial gimmicks; forget the "Sea Salt and Paint Chip" diet. There are no magic bullets in this quest for weight loss but it's guaranteed to be effective! (more…)