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Without a doubt, oregano oil is one of the best natural supplements you can get. It’s produced from the perennial herb oregano and loaded with free-radical-crushing antioxidants. A growing body of research has shown that oregano oil offers many positive health benefits and is one of the most potent natural remedies in existence.[1] In particular, there has been a significant evaluation of its effects against harmful organisms; investigations even been made by major pharmaceutical companies. Let’s take a look at why there’s so much interest in oregano oil and its […]

Not all vitamins and minerals are created equal, and your body can tell the difference between synthetic and plant-based supplements. If you have ever taken a cheap, synthetic vitamin or mineral and failed to notice a change in how you look or feel, there is a reason. Artificial vitamins often pass through your body without being absorbed. Just like when selecting food to eat, taking the time to study the labels and ingredients can make the difference between achieving the health you want or wasting your time and money. (more…)

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Allergies, asthma, harmful organisms, and even inhalation of various pollutants may cause upper respiratory concerns. Symptoms of respiratory concerns can include chest congestion, difficulty breathing and irritated nasal or throat passages. If you, or someone you’re close to, has experienced these symptoms, you know they can be very disruptive. (more…)

Warts can be more than just unsightly or annoying growths that appear on the feet, hands, or elsewhere on the body. They can become very painful, spread to other areas on the body, and, in the case of a plantar wart outbreak, even inhibit your ability to walk. One of the most effective remedies that has been used by natural health practitioners to combat the growth and development of warts is organic oregano oil. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm