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You don’t have to look at many health food advertisements to see how many marketing messages focus on antioxidants and free radicals. Free radicals are depicted as a cause of human aging and disease while antioxidants are the ultimate defense. Although the ad wizards sometimes exaggerate the truth, free radicals do, in fact, corrupt important molecules like DNA, and antioxidants do reduce the damage they cause. Your cell's mitochondria release energy that they obtain from molecules in your food, but they also unleash electron-stealing free radicals — like reactive oxygen […]

The human body is a complex, interconnected ecosystem and the gut is where your body interacts the most with the outside world. Your gut acts as the frontline of your immune system, as it is constantly exposed to new microbes and molecules that come from the things you eat and drink. The processes that take place in the gut are involved in the central nervous system, brain, and even influence your mood. But you can’t begin a discussion about the gut’s importance without discussing the organisms that live there. (more…)

Your body is a complex network of interconnected organs that perform individual functions to support the systems and processes that make up your existence. Respiration, digestion, bone regeneration, metabolism — they’re all examples of your body’s ability to function with machine-like precision. That functionality exists at the most basic level as well — your cellular level. Lungs, brain, stomach, bones, blood — everything — is comprised of cells. Cells are the microscopic components that make up organisms and they, like your body, are a collection of various components that work […]

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Glucose oxidase, also called notatin, is one of the many useful enzymes that nature has given us, and is produced by fungi, bacteria, and insects. Commonly found in bee pollen and honey, glucose oxidase plays a key role in digestive processes, overall human health, physical rejuvenation, and anti-aging. (more…)

A protease (also known as a proteolytic enzyme, peptidase or proteinase) is an enzyme that helps digest different kinds of proteins in a process called proteolysis. Proteases are a category of enzymes; some are produced by the body, some are found in foods, and some are produced by bacteria and other microbes. Proteases assist with many different body processes including digestion, immune system function, and blood circulation. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm