Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

We need iron to live. Without it, our red blood cells wouldn’t be able to carry oxygen through our blood. Iron plays essential roles in energy metabolism, hormone synthesis, growth, development, brain function, immune activity, and cellular function.[1, 2] However, you only need trace amounts of this important nutrient to maintain proper iron balance. Excess iron intake can quickly become dangerous. (more…)

Urinary tract infections are uncomfortable and can lead to serious complications, even organ damage.  Commonly referred to as UTI's, the infection primarily targets the bladder and kidneys and has a nasty tendency to recur. Women, teens, and young children are most often afflicted but men can suffer from them as well.  While UTI's may seem like a straightforward infection for which antibiotics are the clear solution, they are anything but, and the following 10 facts will make that clear. (more…)

Colic is a frustrating and exhausting condition for both infants and parents. The time spent raising a colicky child is fraught with sleepless nights and nearly endless screaming. You may think it will never end, but here are some colic remedies that may help. (more…)

The University of Michigan School of Public Health published research that suggests inadequate levels of vitamin D could be a key factor in increased fat accumulation in children, and could be an important weapon in the fight against childhood obesity. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm