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Abdominal massage used to be the go-to treatment for constipation. It’s a safe and natural way to ease that stopped up feeling, and the gas and bloating that often go with it. When you massage your stomach in the right way, you induce peristalsis — the wave-like motions of your intestines that push everything through. This means that it takes less time for waste to get out of your body. The great news? You can massage your own abdomen, have your partner do it, or find a therapist who specializes […]

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Without a doubt, oregano oil is one of the best natural supplements you can get. It’s produced from the perennial herb oregano and loaded with free-radical-crushing antioxidants. A growing body of research has shown that oregano oil offers many positive health benefits and is one of the most potent natural remedies in existence.[1] In particular, there has been a significant evaluation of its effects against harmful organisms; investigations even been made by major pharmaceutical companies. Let’s take a look at why there’s so much interest in oregano oil and its […]

Constipation is a taboo subject for many people. If you’re too embarrassed to discuss it, know that you are far from alone. Constipation affects about 14% of adults in the United States and accounts for an astounding 3.2 million medical visits every year. It’s a common and widespread issue. Nobody wants to talk about it, but for the sake of our health, maybe it’s time we opened a dialogue.[1] (more…)

Wendee Nicole decided to do the Complete Body Cleanse Program™ — a comprehensive program to detoxify and improve health that will take three to four months to complete — and it starts with a 6-day Colon Cleanse. Not everything eaten on Wendee’s cleanse experience is approved or endorsed by Dr. Group, but this was her experience trying to follow the recommended diet and protocol as closely as possible. Wendee’s Story I have a milestone birthday coming up in July, and I want to get in great shape by then. I’m […]

Your colon has a hefty job: it absorbs all the vital nutrients and vitamins in your food and flushes your body of toxins. Why not give it a helping hand? With Global Healing’s simple six-day Colon Cleanse Program™, you can activate your body’s self-healing capabilities and set your body and mind on the path to great health. Here’s how it works: You’ll eat nothing but raw fruit for six days, while taking our oxygen-based colon cleanse product, Oxy-Powder®, along with our cleanse-promoting transient probiotic, Latero-Flora™. This promotes healthy bacteria in […]

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