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Since the mid-80s, the rate of colon cancer has been slowly declining at the rate of about 1 percent per year, but it seems we always have bad news mixed in somewhere. Traditionally thought of as a disease affecting the over 50s, one study paints a gloomy picture. Not only is there a sharply increasing rate in patients under 50, but also advanced stages of the cancer are being developed. [1] (more…)

Belonging to the same group of disorders as irritable bowel disease (IBD), ulcerative colitis is a painful condition that primarily affects the colon and rectum. Early identification can help reduce complications and offers the best chance for successful management. The flip side – not taking care of the issue – can prove fatal. (more…)

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Celiac disease is an allergy to dietary gluten. It affects individuals who are genetically predisposed to the allergy and differs from gluten sensitivity, as celiac disease elicits within the body a very defined response to gluten. [1] (more…)

Commonly found in many fruits, such as bananas and apples, pectinase in an enzyme that plays a key role in the digestive processes, and perhaps more importantly, in total physical well-being and anti-aging. (more…)

Bulk-forming laxatives are made from the dead fibers from plant sources, usually psyllium. Bulk laxatives work by increasing stool mass to the point the bowels force it out. Under healthy circumstances, fiber and increased stool mass can be beneficial. But, if someone is using a bulk laxative, they may not be experiencing optimum health. Furthermore, the use of bulk laxatives has been associated with serious side effects. (more…)

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