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More than 5,000 years ago, Sumerians in ancient Mesopotamia carved the names of commonly used healing herbs onto clay tablets. These tablets provide the first known record of various herbs and their specific healing properties. You might say it was the birth of herbal medicine and herbalism. In 1500 B.C., the Egyptians continued the tradition by publishing a manuscript called Ebers Papyrus that described 850 different medicinal plants. The document included many healing herbs we use today, like aloe vera, dill, garlic, and mint. Hippocrates, who lived from 460 to […]

As we enter into the cold months, many people will experience the effects of a cold or flu. Sore throats, muscle aches, stuffy noses, coughs, and fevers are just some of the common symptoms. Highly contagious, colds are the name we give for over 100 mild viral influenza forms. Although there is no cure for the cold or flu — natural or prescription — there are many natural home remedies that can help you feel better while you're toughing it out. (more…)

Osha, or Ligusticum porteri, (also called bear root) is an important perennial herb that inhabits the dry, upland meadows and ravines of the Rocky Mountain. The beneficial part of the osha plant is the root, which has long been used for cold, cough, and respiratory ailments. The root contains oils, including camphor, saponins, ferulic acid, terpenes, and phytosterols. Because of the range of mechanisms it has, osha root is, arguably, the best American herb for lung and throat concerns. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm