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Have you ever noticed how a new shower curtain smells? There is a distinctive odor in shower curtains pulled fresh from the packaging. This noxious odor is plastic softener, a potently hazardous chemical compound that may do more than soften shower curtains. (more…)

Often referred to as the “master gland,” the thyroid manages important body processes, including protein creation, energy levels, and metabolism. Because the metabolic output is often related to body mass, proper thyroid function is instrumental when trying to regulate your body weight. Thyroid deficiencies can lead to weight gain or concerns such as hypothyroidism, which is a lack of thyroid hormones and is commonly preceded by iodine deficiency.[1] (more…)

Women who are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant hear a lot about things they can do to help their baby, but not so much about how to encourage the health of their placenta. Considering that the placenta is the buffer between mom and baby, this would seem like important information. Placenta health is just as important to the health of your baby as taking prenatal vitamins, getting enough rest, and avoiding things like caffeine and cigarettes. (more…)

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Maybe you’re a new mother and are expecting a new bundle of joy. Of course, you want to make sure things are just right for your baby, and part of that starts with the choices you make right now. Making sure you are limiting (or preferably avoiding altogether) toxic exposure is a great first step. One avenue to consider is traffic pollution. Cutting that out of your life completely might not be practical, but there’s recent evidence that suggests it could be harming your unborn child. In fact, women who […]

Many people are aware that the number of cases of autism has been rising over the last few decades, but everyone is still fairly in the dark when it comes to knowing what puts unborn children at increased risk of developing the disorder. In order to better avoid this debilitating neurodevelopment disorder, it is wise to look at the compounding factors that have been strongly associated with increased autism risk. (more…)

Women's Health