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Fracking is a rising concern in the United States and all across the world. Media coverage has increased in recent years as research continues to mount on its negative impacts on the environment. Health effects of fracking have also received some attention, and many medical professionals are advocating for safer methods for extracting oil. Still, fracking continues to be practiced in certain areas of the country. Here are some shocking things you need to know about fracking. (more…)

Let's be clear, herbicides and pesticides are poisons. Herbicides are intended to control unwanted plants; pesticides are used to control unwanted pests. This is accomplished by killing the already present weeds, insects, or otherwise, or by making the environment inhospitable to them. It's a destructive process that involves harsh, toxic, polluting chemicals. (more…)

In my previous blog post, Going Green Inside Your Home, we've seen what we can do inside the house to make a difference on the environment — from saving water to recycling to reducing electricity use. Now let's see what we can do on the outside. (more…)

The long standing debate between people who care about their health and the health of the environment concerns not only what food to eat, but what kind of food is best to buy. How do you sort out the differences between local, organic and local-organic foods? Which is better for our health and better for the planet? What the heck does it mean to be organic anyway? (more…)

The holiday season is here! If you're like most people, you probably waited until the last minute to buy that perfect gift for your loved ones. Below is a few of my favorite "Green Living" Books that I believe will make great Christmas gifts. Best Green Living Books 1. Green Lighting Written By: Brian Clark Howard, Bill Brinsky & Seth Leitman This is a must-have book for anybody looking to upgrade the lights around their home or work. Whether you want to switch to LED's, CFL's or make the switch […]

A bottle of Kava Calm