Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Every April 22, millions of people in nearly 200 countries celebrate Earth Day, and I’m one of them. Originating in 1970, Earth Day is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on how we can make our Earth a better place. It’s a time to be mindful of your impact on the Earth and challenge yourself to adopt new, environmentally friendly habits that conserve resources, save money, and encourage healthy living all-around. In fact, with wonderful benefits like those, doesn’t it make sense to live every day like it’s […]

April 22 is Earth Day — a day to generate appreciation for the Earth. As individuals, it’s an opportunity to reflect on our environmental impact and explore new and creative ways to conserve. On a larger scale, Earth Day reminds us of our collective desire to protect the environment, the Earth, and its resources for future generations. That mindset has directed the development of Global Healing as a company and shaped our offerings to our customers. (more…)

Even before the Surgeon General's 1964 report, "Smoking and Health," society has been aware of the terrible effects of tobacco smoke on health. Today, you'd have to be living under a rock or purposely obtuse to not know that tobacco smoke is a very dangerous pollutant. Whether you're doing the smoking yourself or just enduring exposure to side-stream smoke or second hand smoke, tobacco smoke contributes to lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other illnesses. (more…)

Women's Health