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At certain times in a woman's life, hormonal fluctuation is expected — during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause, for example. Other times, a hormonal imbalance may occur because of a stressful time in your life, lack of sleep, or even certain health conditions. If you want to know whether you may have a hormonal imbalance, what are its symptoms, and what you can do about it, read on. (more…)

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If you have trouble feeling "in the mood," you're not the only one. Low sex drive in women is one of the most commonly reported sexual concerns.[1] Whether it's caused by pregnancy, menopause, stress, or fatigue, loss of libido in women can happen at any time of life. If the concern is persistent, there is even a fancy term to describe it — hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). In one sense, having a low sex drive is only an issue if you are struggling with it. If a lack of […]

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Propelled to fame from a multitude of studies on the phytochemical properties of plants, resveratrol more than lives up to its reputation. Experts have called this unique antioxidant a fountain of youth for its effectiveness against a variety of age-related conditions. Researchers first became interested in resveratrol when studying the “French paradox" in the late 1980s: French diets were high in fatty foods, yet overall, French people experience low rates of heart disease. Scientists set out to discover why. Soon, they found a compound in red wine, which was then […]

Soy has been incorrectly passed off as a healthy food for a long time. Soybean oil, soy milk, and even tofu are a staple in the lives of many people, especially vegetarians. However, most soy products are not real food — most are highly processed and genetically modified. In my opinion, the marketing of soy as a health food is probably one of the greatest bamboozles of all time. (more…)

It seems that everywhere you look today you can find a source for toxins — food, clothes, children’s toys…you get the idea. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, toxins can sneak past you, infiltrating your home and body. It never hurts to arm yourself with a healthy dose of awareness and prevention, two components that can protect you and your family from unseen attackers. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm