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Famously called "the miracle tree" thanks to its exceptional nutritional content and therapeutic potential, moringa more than lives up to its name.[1] Moringa offers numerous health benefits, including protecting against free radicals and promoting a strong immune system in all stages of life. Among other things, moringa supports the heart, brain, and liver, and can even give your sex drive a boost. You might see it sold as a "superfood" in grocery and health food stores, but moringa is no passing fad. For centuries, people have consumed various parts of […]

If you have trouble feeling "in the mood," you're not the only one. Low sex drive in women is one of the most commonly reported sexual concerns.[1] Whether it's caused by pregnancy, menopause, stress, or fatigue, loss of libido in women can happen at any time of life. If the concern is persistent, there is even a fancy term to describe it — hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). In one sense, having a low sex drive is only an issue if you are struggling with it. If a lack of […]

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The advent of birth control pills seemed like a dream come true. These modern preventative approaches appeared to emancipate women, allowing the joy and pleasure of sex without the risk of getting pregnant. It was all too soon, though, that some women discovered that the control measures weren't the panacea they thought. In fact, the harm they produced was becoming increasingly clear. If you are over 35, have had a history of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, or breast cancer, have migraines or smoke, then you are at a […]

If you consume soy on a regular basis, you may want to take a look at this new study coming out of Harvard School of Medical Health and published in Human Reproduction [1]. According to researchers, men who regularly consume foods containing soy, soy milk, and soy isoflavones are more likely to suffer from a lower sperm count. Obese and overweight men are at the highest risks of decreased sperm concentration, as a result of soy consumption. (more…)

Folate, or vitamin B9, is one of many essential vitamins. You may also be familiar with folic acid as a form of folate; folic acid is the synthetic version used for food fortification and supplements. Folate is important because it plays a role in DNA synthesis and repair. It encourages cell and tissue growth. In fact, these benefits barely scratch the surface and its effects are far reaching. That bring us to nine incredible health benefits of folate. (more…)

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