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Pau d’arco is an herb found in the rainforests of the Amazon and in South and Latin America. Pau d’arco bark has been used by indigenous Latin populations for centuries to address a spectrum of health concerns and today its strong resistance to harmful organisms is still appreciated. Pau d’arco is commonly used to support indications of allergies, liver concerns, and candida and yeast infections. (more…)

New Zealand lies deep in the South Pacific, an island not to itself, but by itself. This seclusion has resulted in an amazing example of extraordinary flora and fauna. Aside from the incredible wildlife and sweeping views, New Zealand is home to over 2000 unique plants that have had the interest of the natural medicine and herbal remedy crowds for a long time. One plant in particular, horopito (Pseudowintera colorata) has been of specific interest due to its demonstrated ability at fighting harmful organisms, including fungus and Candida albicans. (more…)

Jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril) is a tree indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and Central America that can grow up to 90 feet tall and contributes to the rainforest canopy. Jatoba produces a dense, hardwood that is durable and termite resistant, making it very useful for carpentry, flooring, and furniture. One of the most interesting things about wild jatoba is that when the tree's life cycle is finished and the tree dies, unlike most other rainforest trees, the wood of the jatoba tree does not rot. (more…)

A nail fungal infection, or onychomycosis, is a fungal imbalance that affects the fingernails and toenails. [1] The most common symptom is a thickening and discoloration of the nail to yellow, green, and even black. As the concern progresses, the nail bed can become uncomfortable, brittle, and even begin breaking off. [2] (more…)

It's hard to live in a living world without some living organisms taking residence on or inside of your body. It might not be the most pleasant idea, but everyone is carrying bugs of some sort. Harmful organisms in the intestines and bacteria in the gut are among the most common. Another is Candida albicans. If you've ever experienced a yeast infection, then you probably know this one well. Although everyone has Candida, concerns are unlikely to arise if it's kept in balance. However, if an imbalance occurs, so may […]

A bottle of Kava Calm